Note: If you are a Landlord then download and install this app. If you are a Tenant then download and install My Landlord.
How to use My Tenant:
* Sign Up for new user
* Sign In for existing user
* Re-verify if unable to sign up successful for first time
[My Tenant]
* Press New Tenant button at bottom to create a Tenant
* Short Press to view Statement for Rental/Other (Other can use to keep track other charge e.g. utility or Internet bill)
* Long Press to maintain Tenant Profile
[Tenant Profile]
* Update Tenant Name, Mobile and PIN
* Update every month Rental/Other amount for a year
* Short Press an item in Statement bring to Approval screen (if payment already submitted using My Landlord app)
* Long Press to edit tenants rental or other payment
* Select Year drop-down to filter payment history by Year 2016/2015
* Left square indicates every month payment is paid or unpaid
1. Paid (Light Green)
2. Unpaid (Light Red)
3. Partially Paid/Overpaid (Light Yellow)
4. Payment Pending Approval (Light Blue)
5. No Charge/Not Due (White)
* Color bars indicates payment period (Longer means late)
1. Early/On Time (Green)
2. Before 15th (Yellow)
3. Late/Over Due (Red)
* User can approve/reject payment submitted by Tenant (from My Landlord app)
If you are unable to verify your account for first time, please enter your Mobile and Pin again then press on Reverify button. The server will send you the verification code again in background and you may try to login once you are verified. If you still facing problem, please email us for further assistant.
This app requires Google Play Services to be installed for displaying ad banner. The app won’t start if Google Play Services is not installed.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We received a lot of feedback from users that the app is not able to open for Android 6.0 or newer. This is due to changes in storage in new version of Android. Please update to version 1.4.5 to fix the issue. Thanks.
(16 Feb 2016) We are planning to have a paid version in the near future for managing more tenants at a very low price. This free version is supporting maximum of 2 tenants.
Note: This app is use together with another app called My Landlord (for Tenant).
Uploaded on Sep 04, 2015. Latest version 2.7 updated on 06 Nov 2017. More than 1,000 downloads to date.
Unlike other apps, Keep My Notes has the following features:
1. Notes are encrypted with password. If you choose not to save your password in the database, you need to login by connecting to server to authenticate and logout will clear the password.
2. The database can store text from keyboard with emoji.
3. You can use this app in offline mode. If you open the app with Internet then the notes are sync between the server and your phone.
4. If you have installed this app on another phone, you can login using the same user id and sync the notes.
How to use:
1. Tap on the 3 dot menu on top right and select Register
2. Enter User ID, Password and Full Name then tap on Register button
3. Tap on the 3 dot menu again and select Login
4. Enter User ID and Password then tap on Login button. Select “Save my password” to keep login.
5. The app connect to the cloud and sync your saved notes
6. Tap on New Note button to create a new note
7. Enter Subject and Note text then tap on Save button
8. To change password, tap on 3 dot menu and select Change Password
9. To log out, tap on 3 dot menu and select Logout
Computerise MyDone Point of Sales (POS) system is compatible with your Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS.